Burhop’s Wilmette has long been known as one of the North Shore’s and Chicagoland’s best markets for premium fish and prime seafood. But, Burhop’s Wilmette is much more than just a seafood shop…it’s a seafood institution!
Since its establishment, the praise and accolades for Burhop’s Wilmette’s quality, freshness, and service have never ceased. Today, a true fish boutique, the fishmongers at Burhop’s Wilmette boast more than 100 years of experience offering fresh fish and seafood to the area. With deliveries several times daily, Burhop’s seafood can be on your table less than 24 hours after being in ocean waters. With a wealth of knowledge in all things seafood, the Burhop’s team is available to provide preparation suggestions, cooking tips, as well as delicious recipes for seafood novices and aficionados, alike.
On a regular basis, Burhop’s Wilmette hosts free on-site samplings as well as introduces cooking options from poaching to grilling.
Located 1515 Sheridan Road in Plaza del Lago, Burhop’s Wilmette is open seven days a week, fish and seafood lovers can shop Monday through Friday from 9:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m., Saturday from 9 a.m.to 6 p.m. and Sunday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.